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2017年08月17日20:29 来源:上海国际文学周 作者:上海国际文学周 点击:


(Richard Morgan;1965-)

英国科幻小说及幻想小说家(在美国人称理查德 K.摩根),生于伦敦,长于赫瑟西特乡下。曾在剑桥大学研读历史,毕业后为环游世界成为英语教师。在斯克莱德大学执教14年后出版首部小说,自此走上写作之路。他的小说营造出一个后反熵主义的假想国。2002年开始创作“科瓦奇”系列小说(Takeshi Kovacs),将侦探和战争元素融入科幻小说中,前后共写就了三部。其中一部获得菲利普•K•迪克奖(Philip K. Dick Award),第一部《副本》(Altered Carbon)被改编成电影。2007年面世的新作Black Man,完全走出了“科瓦奇”的世界,并荣获2008年亚瑟•C•克拉克奖(Arthur C. Clarke Award)。

Richard Morgan(known as Richard K. Morgan in the USA) is an English science fiction and fantasy author.Born in London, and brought up in the village of Hethersett, near Norwich, Morgan studied history at Queens' College, Cambridge. After graduating he started teaching English in order to travel the world. After 14 years and a post at the University of Strathclyde, his first novel was published and he became a full-time writer.Morgan's books are generally set in a post-extropianistdystopian world.In 2002 Morgan's first novel Altered Carbon was published, combining elements of cyberpunk and hardboileddetective fiction and featuring the antiheroTakeshi Kovacs.In 2003 the U.S. edition received the Philip K. Dick Award.In 2003 Broken Angels was published, the sequel to Altered Carbon, again featuring Takeshi Kovacs. Morgan's third, and he has stated final, Kovacs novel Woken Furies was released in the UK in March 2005 and in the U.S. in September 2005.Black Man, released in 2007, is about the constraints of physicality and the fact that you are locked into who you are and there's not a whole lot you can do about that. These are things he could not deal with in the Kovacs universe, because for Kovacs and people like him mortality is avoidable: you just skip into a new body. The novel subsequently won the 2008 Arthur C. Clarke Award.

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